New album “All Kinds” released by Kazemat Records.
Captain Lucas de Ruyter van Steveninck, captain of the Royal Dutch Airwave company KLM, traveled every corner of the world between the fifties and the eighties, taking pictures and collecting music. Vinkepeezer composed the music for his latest album All Kinds with samples from the remarkable collection of Latin-American LP’s from de Ruyter van Steveninck. The result is a mesmerising mix of old an new, taking the soul of the music and people of the continent to create a timeless space of free flowing sounds and structures. All Kinds is mastererd by Jeff Carey, released by Kazemat records on Vinyl, with a photobooklet and a cover by artist Pieter Bijwaard.
Video: Jaehun Park, photo by Lucas de Ruyter van Steveninck
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